Senior Financial Planning

recommended Senior Financial Planning providers


ElderLife Financial Services helps families with financing options for memory care assisted living. ElderLife’s focus is your family. They provide financing solutions and financial concierges will guide you to the best financing opportunities for you or your loved one — whether it’s securing a bridge loan in less than 24 hours, accessing VA benefit income you may not have known you were eligible for, insurance benefits, or others.


LifeCare Funding helps families explore the option of liquidating a life insurance policy in order to pay for care.


Aid and Attendance (A&A) is a benefit paid by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs to veterans or surviving spouses who require the “aid and assistance” of another person for daily care. The benefit is paid in addition to pension, and the benefit may be available not only to veterans, but also to a veteran’s surviving spouse or a spouse who is also a veteran.

To qualify, the veteran must have served at least 90 days, including 1 day during a wartime, e.g., World War I, World War II, Korean conflict, Vietnam era, Gulf War, the Mexican Border Period, or any other war recognized by the U.S. government. Additional income and eligibility requirements apply. To learn more, visit, or ask your Autumn Leaves team for more information.

Families may also want to consider working with an organization experienced in applying for Aid and Attendance benefits,  like Patriot Angels. This organization helps families determine if their loved one is a good candidate for Aid and Attendance before recommending the services of a VA-accredited attorney. There is a fee to cover the services of the specialized attorney, who prepares and submits the application to the VA on the veteran’s behalf and can be instrumental in expediting the application and resulting benefits.


Luke’s Wings is an organization that provides transportation and other travel assistance to allow a veteran to be with family during a major life event. It also works with veterans in hospice care by helping transport loved ones at the end stage of life.

Sé tú.


Older adult woman with skilled nurse

Nuestro apoyo.

Haremos todo lo posible para ayudarte a continuar con la vida que te gusta aquí. Le animamos a mantener sus amistades y círculos sociales, las actividades que le resulten significativas y su propio estilo personal. Adaptaremos un plan a sus necesidades únicas y le facilitaremos vivir como desea. 

Más información.

Para obtener más información sobre el cuidado de ancianos en The Whitley, contacto con nosotros o llame al 630-892-8800.